Covid-19 Response
In our modern age we have never been so aware of our mortality at such global levels. The Covid-19 pandemic highlights elevated death rates in daily news around the world.
For anyone affected by loss
At Last Wishes, one way we offer support during this uncertainty is to honour the grief and fear so many of us are feeling. We do this by holding FREE online Last Wishes Tea Rooms as a safe space to talk about what is coming up for you.
And when individuals are ready, we help them gain insight and provide tools that encourage peace of mind by empowering them around their end of life and last wishes.
For those working in the funeral industry
We also provide support during this difficult time for funeral directors and funeral celebrants. They are usually available to be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
While the NHS is on the front line doing amazing work everyday for those suffering with Covid-19. Often forgotten are the ‘backline’ or those that deal with the fallout. Funeral directors and funeral celebrants are also working increased hours under heartbreaking conditions. New laws, rightfully there to keep everyone as safe as possible, increase the difficulty of dealing with grief, death and saying goodbye to a loved one.
We offer both individual and group support supervision sessions to funeral directors and funeral celebrants.
Giving back to our 'Back Line' Workers during Covid-19
Last Wishes – Live your Legacy Ltd is a social business raising profits to go back into community projects to support causes related to end of life and legacy.
Funeral directors and funeral celebrants are usually on a vocation. At the best of times they carry such a lot of emotional weight while they prioritise a worthy farewell for loved ones and their families. This is especially difficult in the current Covid-19 environment with legal requirements and an increased amount of funerals.
Last Wishes provides Support and Supervision for groups and individual sessions for funeral directors and funeral celebrants.
If you would like to support the work we are doing to support funeral directors and funeral celebrants please contact us or donate here.
To the funeral directors and funeral celebrants,
We want you to know that we care. We see what you’re going through and want to support you. For the extraordinary things you are doing every single day.
With gratitude for your tireless work we have these offerings for you and the families you work with below.
Last Wishes Tea Rooms
As part of our mission to educate, inspire and empower you to make your last wishes and live your legacy. We invite you to join us to discuss end of life, death and dying in a safe space.
Our Last Wishes Tea Rooms are FREE community events in a safe space for anyone to talk about anything related to death and dying.
They provide support for anyone who would like to talk about anything coming up for them, or indeed any curiosity or end of life concern. Currently our Last Wishes Tea Rooms are online. With safe distancing measures anyone can join us by logging in from around the globe.
Free Group Support and Supervision
Group supervision also "...gains from the supervisees’ receiving reflections, feedback and inputs from their colleagues as well as the group supervisor."
We currently offer FREE weekly group support and supervision for funeral directors, funeral celebrants and those in the funeral industry. These are hour long calls online, so anyone around the globe can join us for the support, reassurance and guidance.
One-to-one Support and Supervision
Individual support and supervision, like a guide or mentor for those who would like to talk. Here we provide a safe space with full support for whatever is going on individually.
We have a team of supervisors to offer these one-to-one sessions. If you are a funeral director, funeral celebrant, or working in the funeral industry and need someone to talk to please contact us.
The Last Wishes Tea House
The Last Wishes Tea House presents events on a wide variety of themes. They are led by ministers, a teacher, archaeologist and historian, and artist/crafts people. They begin with a presentation or live activity and finish with a discussion. For some events there is a small charge or £2 or £3, although all are free for students of our Last Wishes end of life planning short course, Last Wishes ambassadors, those have taken part in one to one end of life planning coaching sessions and those training to be end of life teachers, coaches and hosts with us. Below are some examples of events we have run.
News and Information
Jean leaves no stone unturned, no aspect unexplained – and I had no idea it would be such fun. Under her sensitive guidance and with her extensive knowledge of what is possible… Thank you Jean, for your inspired, humorous and down to earth approach to a subject that is so often considered taboo.
It was a wonderfully inspiring day, that taught me so much. I would recomend it to anyone. It was a real fun day. And at the end of it you come out with something of real value for your loved ones, when they will need it most… If you get the chance to… attend… !
It was an utter joy to meet you on Saturday and benefit from your knowledge and wisdom...