Improve Control Around End-of-Life In Dying Matter Week
It is Dying Matters Week 2021 and a new report about what people know about planning for end-of-life reveals:
– Just 13% of adults say they’ve let a close friend or family member know where they want to be when they die (rising to only 15% among over 55s);
– Fewer than one in ten (8%) have put in place medical and/or emotional support for the end of their lives. This drops to an incredibly low figure of just 6% among over-55s
– Just three in ten (31%) adults know how to make arrangements to ensure they die in the place they would wish to;
– Only one in five (20%) adults believe they will be able to control where they are at the end of life. In other words a whopping 4 out of 5 of you think you will have no control over where you are at end of life!
These figures are so low but it is really important to protect both ourselves AND our loved ones. Here at Last Wishes Live Your Legacy we have lots of free resources to help you and some great gifts when you sign up to our newsletter & news too.
We also have our next course launching that will help you know what your rights and choices are and how to plan for your end-of-life. This might seem grim but it is very empowering to get it done and it leaves you free to live your best life now!
Our course and shop also fund tree planting with Ancient and Sacred Trees so you can Live Your Legacy too.
Get talking! Share your thoughts and wishes with loved ones, make plans, think ahead and make sure you tell people what your plans are.