.How would you like to pass from this world? What for you would be a good death? I think sitting under a tree with a smile on my face would be a lovely way to go …
This sweet story comes from an article by Karen Marciniak
“The best tree story I know involves a dear friend named Henry, who passed from this life several years ago. Henry was a wise, caring, and colorful character who over the years helped many people with their spiritual awakening. With a sweet grin on his face he would often remark, “When it’s time for me to leave this world, I’m going to slip out of my body just like I’m slipping out of my jacket.”
As Henry said this, he would dramatize his statement by removing his jacket in an effortless, fluid fashion, holding it up, and then gracefully dropping it to the floor. One fall day, Henry who was in his 80’s, and in good health, was out delivering telephone books. As I was later told, at some point he sat down under a tree to rest and for Henry that was the end of this reality — he quietly slipped away. When they found Henry, he was leaning up against the tree’s trunk, a smile on his face. It seems when his time came, Henry intuitively used a tree to transcend this reality.”
Find many free resources on our site about how you can prepare for end-of-life, from conversations in our Tea Rooms, tips about legal requirements, funeral planning, memorials and celebrations. Or take a look in our shop.
A portion of proceeds from sales are donated to plant trees with Ancient and Sacred Trees. You can plant trees in the Tropics and in the UK in memory of a loved one with a memorial certificate. A package with written blessings/eulogy also available.
This extract is from an original article called the Magical Mystery of Trees published here www.pleiadians.com